In today’s fast moving world of technology it’s important that the correct technology is applied in all areas of business and CCTV is no exception. Many variants of IP Based solutions are available on the market today so it is critical for you that your integrator provides the correct advice.
Using Digital Video Recorders for CCTV Systems is still a very reliable, stable and most importantly cost effective method of achieving your surveillance goals especially in small to medium businesses. .
CCTV Solutions recommends that once your system is installed a regular maintenance programe be entered into. We also provide you with a list of daily/weekly checks you can perform. Both of these will ensure your system is kept running at peak performance 365 days of the year. We invite you to take advantage of our “State-of-Art” services. .
Collusion: Do your staff act differently or get relaxed when you are away from your business? CCTV provides psychological fear amongst staff that they are being watched by you anytime from anywhere in the world.
Shoplifting: Shoplifting has reached immense proportions in these days. Every day your profits are simply walking out of the door, resulting in higher prices and lost sales. Given the right opportunity, even a most innocent looking person will steal.
Employees Safety: Employees safety for a business owner is a significant responsibility. Video Surveillance helps you in creating a better and safer working environment that gives you greater piece of mind.
Home Security: Keep your home safe and secure with Aim Security's state-of-the-art home surveillance cameras. Aim Security is a one-stop solution which offers all types of surveillance equipment for your home, office or business establishment.